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Introducing Dorchester County’s independent candidate for County Council – David Beverley II

David Beverley II – Candidate for Dorchester County Council in 2022 (Dorchester County, Maryland)

Life, Liberty, Independence – the ideals of a truly Constitutionalist candidate.

I would like the residents of Dorchester County Maryland to know I’m a Constitutionalist. Our Constitution is the most important social contract we have that acknowledges the authority of the people, while setting limits on governmental powers. The founding fathers of this great nation lived according to the ideals of an independent mind-set of natural law and common sense, that our nation and Dorchester County leaders specifically, would be wise to lead by, today.

I am often asked: “What is a Constitutionalist?”

A Constitutionalist is someone who understands that every human being has a set of basic rights, and that those rights come from God – our Creator, NOT the government. Our government’s Constitution, at the Federal level or the State level – does not “give us rights”. The Constitution sets limits on governmental powers and lists the rights that THE PEOPLE GIVE to the governing powers.

The statement above is not just a matter of opinion – it is law. The Maryland State Constitution, Article 1, states that:

That all Government of right originates from the People, is founded in compact only, and instituted solely for the good of the whole; and they have, at all times, the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their Form of Government in such manner as they may deem expedient

You can view the Maryland State Constitution in its entirety —–

I believe that a desire for the same independent spirit and the ideals of liberty, still live on within most Dorchester County residents today, as exemplified by the stories of County leaders I mention in the other areas of this website. We can still exercise our independent ideals, just as in the past –  when WE THE PEOPLE are unhappy with our current state of affairs, we have an opportunity to elect  – liberty and Independent minded leaders, that will right our listing nation, by returning the power back to the individual and to a local community government.   When we see something wrong or unjust, we have an opportunity and a responsibility to do something about it, to affect a better life for our posterity. This can only be done properly – at a local level because “top-down government” has never worked to serve the people.

I love Dorchester county and the people who live in this county – and I love their independent spirit. That same independent spirit that drove heroes of old, like Harriet Tubman, to lead a people to freedom against all odds. We look to heroes and heroines of the past to guide us and inspire us as we press-on through the days and times at hand.

One of the things that has struck me about Dorchester county – are the relatively “little known” historical sites that had great impact on the lives of many. The Historical Freedom Shrine is one of those sites. It is a 20 ton monument dedicated to ten brave men, who brought about voter reform on the local and state level in Maryland. It is located on private property at 7014 East New Market Elwood Road at Hurlock, Maryland.   The reform changed the voting system in Maryland in 1985.  

 Voting equity was ordered in Dorchester County by the United States Courts and the process included dividing the county into five districts.  A politician running for office in one of these districts, must live in that district.  This gave representation to the entirety of the county by those who lived in each region.

The men that made this happen were all local patriots of North Dorchester county

  1. George C. Jones
  2. Richard Harding
  3. Edward Conway
  4. Leon Medford
  5. Charles F. Hurley SR 
  6. Don W. Bradley
  7. Oliver Harding
  8. William Reid
  9. William Corkran
  10. Gregory Meekins

These men, and many others, are examples of how individuals can make a difference. The same independent spirit that lives in all Dorchester county residents – can bring hope to the people of Dorchester County!